Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Freedom from guilt, or lack of knowledge and understanding.

This personally to me is a big one; a big deal. TIme passes so fast sometimes that we don't even have the time to sit back and wonder what happened. Where things got out of hand, went wrong, or simply vanished. How quickly our innocence vanished. Things change so fast and it's hard to even understand. What's easy to understand is how we once were before those things changed and how our cares were so far up not a thing could stop it.
Until we grow up.

I'm not just talking about the innocence from when we were younger, but also before teenage years start. That's mostly where things fall apart- most of us know that. Its pressure, love/heartache, and anger that come deeply between that innocence. We can't just stop it from happening since it happens to everyone, and at any time. It's like a twist in the book titled our lives, confusing enough for everyone else including ourselves. There are nights we cry out in wonder of what really did happen to us. Life happened to us, and that's as clear as it gets. 

But if you think deep enough into it all, the mystery isn't that innocence doesn't leave you completely. I believe it's never the same and is impossible to be the same. But honestly there are pieces in us all that are still filled with so much, and they come out from time to time. Our integrity naturally shows and we smile in a way we usually don't. Our heart speaks aloud with no intentions and we have such confidence as if nothing has ever stopped us before. These moments are blessings- and I don't think they will ever step away from us. 

See, Innocence is not a controlled quality. It comes straight from the heart, but unforced. Its a matter of more so love than hate, and it's almost like our current setting on life is paused. Just so we can focus on the things that mattered like they once did. 
Back when we had innocence.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Tragic Flaw

Everyone can own up to one of these because everyone unfortunately has one. No, these are not always a bad thing. They shape and form us into the people we are today, and whoever the future hands to us. 

"Be yourself, because everyone else is already taken." I would have to say this is the best sentence to wrap up my tragic flaw. I have the inability to be different, but I don't think I am the only person with this. It comes off easier to always stand in the same spot, to never take a  leap of faith for a change and imagine the possible outcome. Because when we do imagine it, it's always a negative one. We're scared of standing out, and eventually we become so heavy minded that our feet feel almost stuck to the floor- prepared to duck instead of jump. 
As time passes we stay the same. It's not going to affect anyone but possibly yourself, only because the real you is hidden inside somewhere just wanting to burst out. The unhealthiness of this is high but we don't ever notice that. So go ahead and stick to the status quo, it doesn't ever seem that bad as flaws go on. 

But when we do jump out of our shell- when we do change, I don't think it will be an explosion of difference where people almost question who you are. But as you begin to accept yourself, mentally you will grow naturally to being that different person that you seem to notice more than anyone else. Not dramatically, but you soon become a leader. 

I hope to maintain working on this flaw, because it's only one of my many. And I know that in passing time this will be me. This will always be who i am, and I'll never want to be anyone else ever again.